Founder/Editor-in-Chief Writes His Farewell, Med Times Copyright, All Rights Reserved, 2004-2005 By Shahrdad Lotfipour
Dear UC Irvine Colleagues, With joy and sadness, I announce that I am graduating from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) at the end of this academic year and will be ending my term as Editor-in-Chief of Med Times this winter quarter. Although leaving UCI and Med Times will be very difficult, I'm looking forward to an exciting period of rapid development that my life seems poised to undertake. I would like to express my deepest gratitude for the patience, understanding and personal support that so many of my medical newspaper staff, family, friends, faculty, and sponsors have provided me throughout my years at this university especially in the previous founding year of Med Times. This year, although full of transition and uncertainty, has been a tremendous step for me. Fully understanding the time and hard work the volunteer students of this medical newspaper have put into this wonderful project, I hope that the vision of Med Times, the desire to educate others, and the willingness to simply help fellow students, will stay alive forever. I have learned a tremendous amount during my time here, and I will miss it enormously. The students in our Biology community at UCI are extraordinary, both professionally and personally, and I certainly believe in the idea that students who graduate from this university will be unbelievably successful in their future. I do hope, however, for the time that we are students here that not only do we take full advantage of the academic side of UCI but also to set aside time to: recognize the enormous talent of the student body, indulge ourselves with the powerful theater performances in the school of the arts (which we usually miss due to studying), and sit under a tree in Aldrich park to read our physio, immuno, cell or whatever Bio book (trust me…it is a enlightening experience). To finish this article I would like to quote from Dr. Sir William Osler who believed that: "... every gift which promotes higher medical education, and which enables the universities throughout the country to turn out better future doctors, means fewer mistakes in diagnosis, greater skill in dealing with emergencies, and the saving of pain and anxiety to countless sufferers and their friends.” Although Dr. Osler could hardly have foreseen Med Times as a tool to educate future physicians, I know that he would have encouraged using this type of medium to push the boundaries of the discipline he so loved. I hope that everyone pursuing any part in the field of medicine believes in this ideal as well. Shahrdad Lotfipour Founder/Editor-in-Chief of Med Times ‘98-‘00 PS. Thanks to Kim Tran for developing our web page at http://med-times.tripod.com |